Bank Account Configuration: Import and Statement Preferences
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Default Tax Code: This is used when you are processing payments that do not have a bill or invoice. For example, payments that were done by debit card. Then the tax is automatically calculated, unless you change the tax code on the line. If you do not wish to have tax calculated, select an Exempt tax code (usually E-XX, for example E-NL). For non-VAT nexuses, choose -Not Taxable
Foreign currency tolerance %: We recommend to set to 0.02 (2%) or smaller
if the difference <set% - Standard NetSuite functionality will be used to auto Write off currency difference to realised gain & loss account
if the difference >set% - select custom payment difference reason
Payment in Transit Account: NetSuite native feature is now available, or configure GL accounts of type Bank that you require to reconcile for this bank account ie: Undeposited cash account
Disable reconciliation warnings: will disable the yellow WARNING boxes after saving a bank statement.
Japan tax rounding preference: Only required if you have a subsidiary in Japan