This page explains how you could group items.
This page explains how to group item lines so that they appear as one line on the invoice. This is achieved using a grouped saved search. It can be used to hide the contents of an item group to your end-customer or to implement a custom grouping mechanism.
Add custom transaction field
The custom field is used to group items on the invoice that is sent to the customer. To group the data the ZoneCapture Suite App needs one additional field on transaction line level. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Line Fields and click the blue button labeled “New” in the top left corner. Enter the following information for the new transaction line field:
- Label: enter here the value “Invoice Group”
- ID: enter here the value “_line_invoice_group”
- Type: “Free-Form Text”
- Store value: this checkbox must be checked
Now press the blue button labeled “Save”. Open the newly create record again and press on the grey button labeled “Apply to forms”. Select on the newly opened page all the forms that your account uses for customer invoices.
If needed you can alter the form after this step to re-arrange the location of the newly added grouping field.
Create custom saved search
In the global search from NetSuite enter the search term “Basware Transaction Item Line Search”.
Please double check the saved search id, to make sure you customize the correct one.
Saved search id: customsearch_erpff_p2p_basware_line_2
Open this saved search and press on the blue button labeled “Edit this search”. On the page that opens first change the “Search Title” to a different name like “Basware Transaction Item Line Search Grouped” and then navigate to the subtab results. On the result subtab add the field created in the step above three times. If you did stick to the naming convention you should be searching for the field named “Invoice Group”. Add these fields as listed in the printscreen.
Now also change the already existing result “Line Unique Key” and set this to “Minimum”.
Under the section “Criteria” add the filter “Shipping Line” is false. Now press the grey button labeled “Save As”.
Set custom saved search
Navigate to Setup > ZoneCapture Setup > ZoneCapture Main Configuration. Click on "Edit" to open the record and navigate to E-Documents subtab. In the field labeled “Line Search” select from the dropdown the name of the saved search you created in previous steps and press save.
Enter on the item line level the values for the invoice grouping. Lines with the same value will be grouped into one line during sending as e-invoice.
Save the invoice and send it as E-invoice.
If you want to verify the results during testing on the sandbox, please send e-invoice from one subsidiary to another subsidiary (intercompany invoice) and when the e-invoice is received in ZoneCapture by another subsidiary, you can check how vendor bill lines are created by ZoneCature on the bill (they will have lines groups in case the same value was used in the Invoice Group column).