To add ZonePayments to your NetSuite environment, install the ZonePayments bundle. The bundle is a collection of custom records, scripts, and out-of-the-box forms that are the building blocks of ZonePayments functionality.
Before completing the following bundle installation steps, ensure that you have obtained a ZonePayments license key and have the correct NetSuite Administrator permissions.
How to install the ZonePayments Bundle
To install the ZonePayments bundle:
- Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search and Install Bundles, search for ZonePayments [Zone&Co] and click the "Install" button on the Bundle Details page.
- For more information about installing bundles, please refer to the NetSuite help documentation.
- When the bundle has finished installing, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and enter your license key into the field Zone & Co ZP Product Key under the Custom Preferences subtab
To continue with ZonePayments setup read Connection Overview.
Bundle Best Practices
We regularly ship out updates, fixes, and new features. For this reason we recommend regularly updating your ZonePayments bundle to the latest version.
Zone also recommends that ZonePayments bundle updates are tested in your Sandbox Environment prior to updating in production. Please test according to your internal software upgrade testing policy.
Bundle FAQ
Q: How long does it take to install the bundle?
A. In general, it should take less than 15 minutes for installation. Processing times may vary depending on factors such as your connectivity and NetSuite environment.