There are two types of mismatches:
- No match, but one was expected
- Match present, but incorrect
Both situations require a different approach to investigate and conclude why it did occur. This investigation is in certain situations time consuming but important to do correctly otherwise the steps to improve the system will not provide the expected outcome.
Investigation no match
When a bank statement transaction line isn’t matched, the first step is identifying the expected transaction. If this does exist in NetSuite the next step will be to investigate how the matching for the bank account is set up. To retrieve this information navigate in the main menu to Setup > ZoneReconcile Setup > Bank Account Configuration. Open in this list the bank account configuration that is related to the bank on which the match didn’t happen. On the bank account configuration, there are several matching options and each of them will have different behavior. As a user, you most likely will see the logic why you were able to find the correct match and this logic must be compared to the applied matching rules. If for example, your expectation is that it should match the amount and this function is not enabled the root cause is simple to adjust.
The rules the ZoneReconcile provides are explained on the setup record, but this information can also be retrieved by triggering the field level help from the checkbox. To trigger this simply click on the field name.
The most common reasons we see at Zone are explained here with a suggestion to improve the matching rate.
Investigation incorrect match
When an incorrect match is encountered the first step is checking which setting was responsible for this match. Each bank statement transaction line holds a column that explains why a line did match. Based on this information the user can check if the enabled option does make sense or could investigate what could lead to the outcome data or data present in the description is resulting in an unexpected match of that information inside NetSuite is too general.
Navigate here to see how to resolve this.