The Approval SuiteApp tracks for each transaction individually the status of each needed approval step. This data is visible for employees with the correct permissions and when the form is set to show this additional sublist. The default form for transactions will be showing this sublist and custom forms should be altered so the sublist becomes available.
Checking the approval status
To check the approval status from a specific transaction the user must first open the transactions and on the transaction navigate to the subtab labeled “Zone Approvals”. Under this subtab, two additional subtabs can be found. One subtab shows the current active approval logs and one shows the historical approval logs. The Zone Approval SuiteApp will create for each needed approval an entry and list on that entry the current status. The lines are looped based on the lowest ID first and follow the lines from the approval matrix.
Overview of active approval logs
The “Active Approval Logs” overview shows the user all the approvals that are needed for the opened transaction. On each line, the user can see the current status. Approved approval logs will be highlighted in green while unapproved approval logs will remain highlighted in blue.
Overview of historical approval logs
The “Historical Approval Logs” overview shows the user all the approvals that were needed for the opened transaction before rejecting the transaction. On each line, the user can see the current status. Approved approval logs will be highlighted in green while unapproved approval logs will remain highlighted in yellow.
Status of approval logs
Each approval log will hold a status that identifies the current status of the approval log. The following values are used:
- Pending Approval (Blue lines)
- Approved (Green lines)
- Rejected (Yellow lines)