PEPPOL E-invoicing network
The landscape of E-invoicing networks is vast and complex. With our e-invoicing provider, Zone&Co uses a market-leading solution provider with very wide coverage. For any prospective customers, it is important to realize that only communications via the PEPPOL network are guaranteed to be supported. Any other networks are always dependent on the support of our E-invoicing provider. Setting up the sending/receiving of e-invoicing to non-PEPPOL networks could result in a longer implementation time (with additional costs) or might not be possible in the some rare cases. If you are aware of these requirements beforehand please verify them with your sales representative.
ZoneCapture E-invoicing is designed to be a global solution, working on support for all key E-invoicing markets. We do have a higher customer focus in certain key regions. This means the product have reached a further level of maturity here. If you are planning to use E-invoicing in a country that isn’t on the main country list, please discuss this with your sales representative.
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- Finland
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Italy
PEPPOL Registration Process
To be able to receive e-invoices via e-invoicing network, as a part of the implementation process your company will be registered in PEPPOL.
Please note that the website is publicly available and entities registered there (meaning they are able to receive e-invoices) can be checked:
If you are currently registered for e-invoicing purposes with any e-invoicing provider, then we will ask you to deregister, as only then we can proceed. We then register you under our e-invoicing provider to be able to receive documents directly into NetSuite. Please make sure beforehand if you're able to smoothly deregistered from your current provider to assure timely go-live with ZoneCapture.
The waiting time for the registration of your company in the e-invoicing network might take ~4 weeks. Best practice is to agree in advance on the go-live date, especially if you're currently registered with another provider, as in this case both paties needs to perform certain steps.
Master Data in NetSuite - requirements
Customer Master Data
There is a specific information required to be configured in your NetSuite account to be able to send e-invoices via ZoneCapture.
Please review the following article to make sure that your customers' master data can be set in NetSuite on time to assure timely go-live.
On the top of customer e-invoice specific identifier (so called endpoint ID), please also make sure that you populated the address for the particular Customer (at least Country). E-invoices cannot be delivered without a receiver country code.
Country specific notes
This section aims to give specific configuration per country.
Norwegian entities will be registered in both - PEPPOL and ELMA (Norwegian E-invoicing register) with their Norwegian Organization Number as an e-invoicing identifier.
For Norwegian suppliers, most invoice issuers are required to append "Foretaksregisteret" to their invoice. "Dersom selger er aksjeselskap, allmennaksjeselskap eller filial av utenlandsk selskap skal også ordet «Foretaksregisteret» fremgå av salgsdokumentet, jf. foretaksregisterloven § 10-2."
Configuration required: on the ZC Subsidiary Setup record of the Norwegian subsidiary, append the word "Foretaksregisteret" to the "Tax ID" field.
The Tax ID field should contain the tax registration number. For most Norwegian companies, this should be appended with Foretaksregisteret.
In Norway, this particular field must be prefixed with NO, must be a valid nine digit Norwegian registration number, must be suffixed with MVA. In other words, the value of the Tax ID on the ZC Subsidiary Setup record of the Norwegian should be in the format NO123456789MVA.
Custom Form Configuration
In addition to the regular fields, the following fields must be shown on the custom forms for Customer, Invoice and Credit Memo for Italian subsidiaries:
- Party endpoint operator ID
- Italian Payment Term
- Italian Payment Term Code
Subsidiary Configuration
The following fields on the ZC Subsidiary Setup configuration record need to be completed specifically for Italy:
- REA Number
- Regime Fiscale
- Esigibilita IVA
- Capitale Sociale
- Condizioni di Pagamento
- In Ligquidazione
- Socio Unio
Customer Configuration
The following fields need to be populated on the customer record for Italian customers:
- Party Endpoint ID
- Party Endpoint Scheme
- Tax ID
- Tax Scheme
- Party endpoint operator ID: use the value “01394200362” always to be routed through the Italian SDI provider (SATA)
- Italian Payment Term
- Italian Payment Term Code is populated automatically when selecting an Italian Payment Term
The attached document explains how to register the e-invoice address with the Italian tax office.