The Provider Account ID is an internal identifier used by your payment provider to identify the bank account (Payout Account) where payouts are deposited. The Account Mapping Profile references this ID to properly align the bank account where your payment provider deposits payouts with your bank account within Netsuite, where those deposits are recorded.
The process for locating your Provider Account ID varies depending on the payment provider you are using. Below is some information that may be helpful in obtaining your Account ID from supported payment providers.
We recommend that you review the relevant documentation made available by your payment provider, or contact your payment provider directly for support if you encounter any issues obtaining the necessary Account ID.
To obtain the Provider Account ID, you will need to log into your payment provider.
- In Stripe, select Balances from the menu in the upper left corner of the Dashboard.
- Select any Payout from the list of recently completed payouts. If the Stripe Account does not yet have a Payout, please see Step 5 below.
- In the Payout view, expand the Account details
- Locate and copy the Payout Account ID. This ID begins with “ba_”
- If the Stripe Account does not yet have a Payout, you can enter a placeholder in the Bank Account For Deposits field. Once a Payout has been completed in your Stripe Account, you must return to Account Mapping and add the full Payout Account ID in the Bank Account For Deposits field.
- See Create an Account Mapping Profile for full details.