ZoneReconcile is a managed bundle and is Built for NetSuite (BFN) verified by Netsuite. All releases undergo an extensive testing cycle before being released to Production accounts. New releases are announced upfront by email to the contact person(s) registered for new functionality which is noted when the first two places in the version number change (e.g. from version 5.9.x to 5.10.0). Patches and bug fix updates are not announced upfront and are noted when the last place in the version number is updated (e.g. from version 5.9.0 to 5.9.1).
For more information, please review the ZoneReconcile Release Process or review past ZoneReconcile Release Notes.
General Release Information
Release 5.9.6 was released on the 5th of December 2023 and contains three enhancements and a few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the improvements and bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.
BR-1731 ZoneReconcile Name Changes
Since the brand name of Bank Reconciliation had been changed, we implemented changes inside the SuiteApp too. The following naming conventions are altered:
- The comparison role has been adjusted from “Bank Reconciliation - Fast Four” to “ZoneReconcile - Comparison Role”
- The checkbox on the transactions has been adjusted from “Exclude from Bank Reconciliation” to “Exclude from ZoneReconcile”
- The navigation path Transactions > “Bank Reconciliation” has been updated to Transactions > “ZoneReconcile”
- The navigation path Setup > “Bank Reconciliation Setup” has been updated to Transactions > “ZoneReconcile Setup”
BR-1700 Name as on bank Statement entity field now available for global search
When searching for specific customers or vendors, users sometimes tend to be more familiar with names stored in the “Name as on Bank Statement” field, rather than the official/legal company name. Therefore, the entity field “Name as on Bank Statement” is now available for global search, allowing users to easily find new data related to their entities.
BR-1727 New debit/credit identifier (In/Out)
In the ANZ region, a new debit/credit identifier has been introduced with the values "In" for credit and "Out" for debit. This update includes the identifier to accommodate extra debit/credit identifiers found in CSV statement formats.
Bug Fixes
BR-1601 Error when working with underpayments related to vendor credits
In certain conditions of currency combinations, when a user was processing an underpayment for a Vendor Credit, the system rejected the creation of transactions throwing the error “TRANS_UNBALNCD: The debits and credits are not balanced on this transaction because amounts entered include more decimal places than are supported for this currency”.
This error is now fully removed and when processing the combination of Vendor Credit and underpayment, the system generates Journal Entries as expected.
BR-1657 Specific AR/AP journals aren't available in the popup
When a Journal is impacting Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable, acting as Customer Invoices/Vendor bills, and payment processed/received was not in full, but partial, the system blocked users from additionally using the remainder of the liabilities and creating additional payments, in other statements. The same event was applicable to Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries.
This blockage is removed in this version release, allowing end users to fully exhaust the full amount of Journal Entries, by the time they are fully paid.
BR-1685 Payment Method Not Copied to Customer Payment / Deposit
Transaction types associated with Customers, such as Customer Payments, Customer Deposits, and Refunds, could hold Payment method details due to synchronization with different systems outside of NetSuite. The Payment method could be configured on the Bank Account configuration and be copied over on these transaction types, once created via the bank statements. Yet, this copying was omitted in previous versions.
This version fully removes this limitation and allows users to copy their setup to Customer related transactions.
BR-1725 Sales order matching not applying the correct amount
When ZoneReconcile matched automatically a sales order upon import the system didn't set the applied amount correctly. This led to the situation that the end user had to manually adjust the applied amount by opening the reconciliation popup. When dealing with large volumes this task did lead to a lot of manual work.
This release alters the matching algorithm and ensures the amount applied is set by default correctly. Users are now able to process these transactions automatically without manual intervention.
BR-1741 Payment difference percentage setting leads to and "lineAmount" error.
When importing a Bank Statement or opening a Bank Statement to Process, the following error “Script Error: ReferenceError: "lineAmount" is not defined” was present. This error was related to payment difference calculation, whether payment reason should be set based on threshold, or not, and only applicable to percentage settings.
Users were blocked when importing statements. Starting this version release, this error is no longer present and users can utilize the Payment difference automation with percentages.