ZonePayments allows you to create payment rules to dynamically adjust your customer’s payment experiences based on attributes specific to the customer and transaction.
Payment rules are represented by Dynamic Pay Configuration records which are created by combining a Dynamic Pay Condition and Dynamic Pay Action. Payment rules are applied at the subsidiary level by linking Dynamic Pay Configurations to a Payment Profile.
When a customer navigates to a Sales Order Pay, Invoice Pay, or Statement Pay Page associated with the Payment Profile where a Dynamic Pay Configuration is linked, the payment rule defined by the Configuration will be evaluated. The Dynamic Pay Action is applied to the Payment Page when the Dynamic Pay Condition is met.
Additionally, you can identify customers to be exempt from Configurations so that specific payment rules do not apply to those customers.
Creating & Applying Payment Rules
To create a Dynamic Pay Configuration:
- Go to Setup > Zone Payments Setup > ZP Dynamic Pay Configuration > New
From the Configuration record, click the Dynamic Pay Condition Link subtab and select or create a new Dynamic Pay Condition
Dynamic Pay Conditions available:
- Pay Amount Greater Than
- Pay Amount Less Than
Dynamic Pay Conditions available:
From the Configuration record, click the Dynamic Pay Action Link subtab and select or create new Dynamic Pay Actions.
Dynamic Pay Actions available:
- Exclude Payment Method
Dynamic Pay Actions available:
Note: You must associate a Dynamic Pay Configuration to a Payment Profile using a Dynamic Pay Configuration Link for the rule to apply to Payment Pages.
To apply a Configuration to a Payment Profile:
- Go to Setup > Zone Payments Setup > ZP Payment Profile and select the Payment Profile to apply the Dynamic Pay Configuration
- From the Payment Profile record, scroll down and select the Dynamic Pay subtab
- Click the New Dynamic Pay Configuration Link button
- From here link an existing Dynamic Pay Configuration or create a new one.
Once linked to the Payment Profile, the payment rule defined by the Configuration will be evaluated on every Payment Page associated with the Payment Profile (subsidiary). Where Dynamic Pay Conditions are met, the Dynamic Pay Action is applied to the Payment Page.
Creating & Applying Customer Exemptions
To create customer exemptions, you must first indicate on the Customer record which customers are eligible, then select which payment rules to exempt those customers on the Configuration record.
To indicate a Customer is eligible for exemption:
- Go to the Customer record and select the Custom subtab to locate the Exemption List field
- Check the Exemption List field on the Customer record to indicate a customer is eligible for exemption from payment rules created by Dynamic Pay Configurations.
Note: When the Exemption List box is left unchecked, the Customer will not be exempt from any payment rules created by Dynamic Pay Configurations.
To apply a customer exemption to a payment rule:
- Go to the Dynamic Pay Configuration record and locate the Apply Exemption field
- Check the Apply Exemption field to apply customer exemptions to the payment rule created by the Configuration.
- All customers with Exemption List checked on their Customer record will be exempt from the payment rule created by the Configuration.
Note: When Apply Exemption is left unchecked, payment rules created by the Configuration will be evaluated for every customer.
Q: Can I exempt different groups of Customers from different payment rules?
A: Dynamic Pay provides users with an option to exempt customers from payment rules at the Configuration level. The option to tailor the population of exempt customers per payment rule is not currently supported.
Q: Are payment rules to exclude payment methods applied to Autopay?
A: No, payment rules to exclude payment methods are only applied to Payment Pages where customers are selecting how to submit a payment. Payment methods saved for automatic payment are currently exempt from payment rules and will process with the payment method authorized by the customer.
Q: How do I prevent my customer from breaking up their payments to avoid my credit card payment rule?
A: Dynamic Pay rules apply to the amount the customer is submitting for payment. For this reason, it is important to remember that Statement Pay allows a customer to submit payment for a selection of their Invoices rather than the entire balance. Customers may also opt to submit payment on individual Invoice Pay Pages rather than via Statement Pay. Additionally, if Allow Partial Payments is enabled, this permits a customer to pay a portion of their Invoice. Each of these features support important business needs while creating the opportunity for customers to subvert a payment rule.
To preserve these important functions while leveraging benefits of Dynamic Pay, consider a payment rule that excludes credit cards for all payments.
- After creating your payment rule using the Dynamic Pay Configuration, check the Apply Exemption on the Configuration record.
- For any customer you wish to allow the use of a credit card for payment, check the Exemption List field on their customer record.
- Apply the Configuration to your Payment Profile(s) where you want the payment rule to apply using Dynamic Pay Configuration Links.